Friday, November 24, 2006

A flower or two later

I read lesson 4 while still working on this lesson 3 sampler for Sharon B's class. Despite my purpose to keep the lessons separate, what I read crept in. The upper left is the cable chain with a variation or two. On the upper right there are French knots, fly stitches, a couple of chain stitches and anything else that came in handy.
The bottom is primarily an experiment with chevron stitches running vertically. And then between the beads a blue silk ribbon couched by detached chain stitches. There are straight stitches on the left side of the beads to fill in the "v" of the chevron stitches.
I think this still needs some finishing touches even if I don't fill in a great deal more of the lower right. There is still so many stitches I want to try from lesson 3 that I'm going to have to give some thought to the finish.

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