Sunday, November 19, 2006

The latest on points...

and not finished yet. I added to make certain areas fuller and taken away what no longer seemed to be functioning. I think I need to take out or move in closer the dark blue star above the ribbon near the top. I'm disappointed with this in some ways but have learned from the exercise. The very purpose of taking a class! It seems to me that in this piece the points have not become focus points but just a means of creating a line.

I've started a week #3 sampler for SharonB's PSL class using the herringbone stitch. I may have been too rash in trying to back off the grid this time. I don't know if I can tame it or if I can make the lines flow satisfactorily. Pictures tomorrow, I hope. It is very foggy and gray here. I did learn how to make a homemade "reflector" for picture taking. I'm going to give that a quick try tomorrow morning. It should help both inside and outside pictures.

I've been busily working away on my design class assignment, too. One portion is to take a shape and exploit it. It is very similar to what we do when we explore the variations of a stitch. I love this kind of experiment. It forces me out of the ruts of my own making.

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